Eluned Jones (Questions and Projects)

Questions for Ontario Students, Grouped by Grade Levels, Based on Dr. El Jones' Bio

Grades 3-5: Understanding Social Justice and Advocacy

  1. How does Dr. El Jones use her poetry to speak out against unfairness?
    Critical Question: Why is it important for people to speak up when they see something that is not fair?

  2. What is the "Black Power Hour," and how does it give people a chance to share their stories?
    Critical Question: How can sharing our stories help make a change in the world?

  3. What are some ways you can stand up for justice in your community?
    Critical Question: How can you use your voice to help others feel heard and supported?

  4. How do you think Dr. El Jones’ work helps people understand issues like racism and police violence?
    Critical Question: Why is it important to learn about and talk about these issues?

  5. Why do you think it is important for people, especially young people, to learn about social justice?
    Critical Question: How can learning about justice help make our communities better?

Grades 5-8: Engaging with the Importance of Advocacy

  1. What motivated Dr. El Jones to create the "Black Power Hour"? How does it help marginalized communities?
    Critical Question: Why do you think it’s important to have platforms that allow marginalized voices to be heard?

  2. How can Dr. El Jones’ work inspire young people to fight for social change?
    Critical Question: What role do young people play in creating a fairer society?

  3. What impact do you think Dr. El Jones’ work has had on people in Halifax and beyond?
    Critical Question: How can one person’s actions lead to larger changes in society?

  4. How does Dr. El Jones use poetry and art to address issues like systemic racism and police violence?
    Critical Question: Can art and poetry change the way we think about important issues? How?

  5. What are some ways that platforms like "Black Power Hour" can create awareness about social justice issues?
    Critical Question: How can platforms on social media, radio, or TV help spread messages of change?

Grades 8-12: Deepening the Discussion on Activism and Social Change

  1. How does Dr. El Jones’ activism challenge systemic racism and inspire others to speak out?
    Critical Question: How can activism be an effective tool in addressing issues like racism and police violence?

  2. In what ways does Dr. El Jones’ combination of cultural celebration and social justice advocacy inspire the Black community?
    Critical Question: How can cultural celebration be an important tool for fighting against injustice?

  3. How can you use your creative talents, like writing or art, to advocate for social justice, similar to Dr. El Jones?
    Critical Question: What role does creativity play in raising awareness and creating change in society?

  4. How can platforms like the "Black Power Hour" provide marginalized groups with the opportunity to share their experiences?
    Critical Question: What impact do shared stories have in fighting for justice?

  5. What role does Dr. El Jones’ work in amplifying the voices of prisoners and marginalized people play in the fight for justice?
    Critical Question: Why is it important to give people in prisons and marginalized communities a platform to share their experiences?

Projects for Ontario Students, Grouped by Grade Levels, Based on Dr. El Jones' Bio

Grades 3-5: Exploring Social Justice and Advocacy

  1. Write a Poem about Social Justice:
    Inspired by Dr. El Jones' work, students will write a poem expressing their thoughts on fairness, kindness, and justice. They can focus on an issue they care about and describe how they would like to see change.

  2. Create a Poster for "Black Power Hour":
    Design a poster that promotes the idea of a platform for people to share their voices, like Dr. Jones’ "Black Power Hour." Include symbols or words that represent empowerment and justice.

  3. Make a "Voices for Justice" Collage:
    In small groups, create a collage of different people (from history or today) who have stood up for justice, inspired by Dr. El Jones' activism. Use magazine cutouts, drawings, or digital images to illustrate these individuals' contributions.

  4. Role-Playing and Community Advocacy:
    Through role-playing, students take on the roles of activists, journalists, and community members. They will act out scenarios where they have to voice their concerns on an issue affecting their community, inspired by Dr. El Jones’ activism.

  5. Write a Letter to Dr. El Jones:
    Students will write a letter to Dr. El Jones, expressing their admiration for her work in social justice and asking questions about how they can use their voices to promote fairness and equality.

Grades 5-8: Advancing the Conversation on Social Justice and Community Impact

  1. Create a Social Justice Campaign:
    Students will create a campaign that addresses an issue of injustice in their community or beyond. The campaign should include posters, slogans, and strategies for raising awareness, inspired by Dr. El Jones’ work advocating for marginalized communities.

  2. Debate on Police Violence and Systemic Racism:
    In groups, students will engage in a debate on the topics of police violence and systemic racism. Each group will argue from a specific perspective, backed by research, inspired by Dr. El Jones’ activism and writings on these issues.

  3. Write a Social Justice Speech:
    Inspired by Dr. El Jones' powerful activism, students will write a speech about a social justice issue they care about and present it to the class. They will discuss how they hope to create change in their community.

  4. "The Black Power Hour" Podcast:
    Students will create a podcast episode where they discuss an important social justice issue, drawing inspiration from Dr. Jones' initiative. They will interview a classmate or family member to discuss the issue and solutions.

  5. Investigative Journalism on Local Issues:
    Students will research an issue in their community that involves inequality or injustice and create a written report or a video that presents their findings. This project is inspired by Dr. El Jones’ journalistic work and her role in amplifying voices of marginalized groups.

Grades 8-12: Critical Engagement with Justice, Activism, and Literature

  1. Poetry and Protest:
    Students will write a poem that challenges systemic injustice, inspired by Dr. El Jones’ poetic activism. The poem should reflect their personal experiences or an issue they are passionate about and how they envision change.

  2. Create a Public Art Installation or Exhibit:
    Inspired by Dr. El Jones’ use of art and activism, students will design and create a public art installation or exhibit that highlights social justice issues, with an emphasis on police violence and systemic racism. The installation could include poetry, visual arts, or multimedia.

  3. Research Paper on the Role of Poets in Social Justice Movements:
    Students will write a research paper on how poets like Dr. El Jones have used their art to advance social justice movements, exploring the power of language in creating change and inspiring action.

  4. The Impact of Platforms like "Black Power Hour":
    Students will conduct a survey or interview community members to understand the importance of platforms like "Black Power Hour" in giving marginalized voices a space to be heard. They will present their findings in a report or multimedia presentation.

  5. Public Advocacy Campaign on Systemic Injustice:
    Students will design a public advocacy campaign to address an issue of systemic injustice, similar to Dr. El Jones' work. This campaign should include social media posts, videos, and calls to action that urge the community to engage with the issue.


Niveaux 3-5 : Comprendre la justice sociale et l'activisme

  1. Comment Dr. El Jones utilise-t-elle sa poésie pour dénoncer l'injustice ?
    Question critique : Pourquoi est-il important que les gens prennent la parole lorsqu'ils voient quelque chose d'injuste ?

  2. Qu'est-ce que "Black Power Hour" et comment cela donne-t-il aux gens la possibilité de partager leurs histoires ?
    Question critique : Pourquoi partager nos histoires peut-il aider à provoquer un changement dans le monde ?

  3. Quelles sont les façons dont vous pouvez défendre la justice dans votre communauté ?
    Question critique : Comment pouvez-vous utiliser votre voix pour aider les autres à se sentir entendus et soutenus ?

  4. Comment pensez-vous que le travail de Dr. El Jones aide les gens à comprendre des problèmes comme le racisme et la violence policière ?
    Question critique : Pourquoi est-il important d'apprendre et de parler de ces problèmes ?

  5. Pourquoi pensez-vous qu'il est important pour les jeunes d'apprendre sur la justice sociale ?
    Question critique : Comment apprendre sur la justice peut-il améliorer nos communautés ?

Niveaux 5-8 : S'engager dans l'importance de l'activisme

  1. Qu'est-ce qui a motivé Dr. El Jones à créer "Black Power Hour" ? Comment cela aide-t-il les communautés marginalisées ?
    Question critique : Pourquoi pensez-vous qu'il est important d'avoir des plateformes qui permettent aux voix marginalisées d'être entendues ?

  2. Comment le travail de Dr. El Jones peut-il inspirer les jeunes à lutter pour un changement social ?
    Question critique : Quel rôle les jeunes jouent-ils pour créer une société plus équitable ?

  3. Quel impact pensez-vous que le travail de Dr. El Jones a eu sur les gens à Halifax et au-delà ?
    Question critique : Comment les actions d'une seule personne peuvent-elles entraîner des changements plus larges dans la société ?

  4. Comment Dr. El Jones utilise-t-elle la poésie et l'art pour aborder des problèmes comme le racisme systémique et la violence policière ?
    Question critique : L'art et la poésie peuvent-ils changer la manière dont nous pensons aux questions importantes ? Comment ?

  5. Quelles sont les façons dont des plateformes comme "Black Power Hour" peuvent sensibiliser aux problèmes de justice sociale ?
    Question critique : Comment les plateformes sur les réseaux sociaux, la radio ou la télévision peuvent-elles aider à diffuser des messages de changement ?

Niveaux 8-12 : Approfondir la discussion sur l'activisme et le changement social

  1. Comment l'activisme de Dr. El Jones défie-t-il le racisme systémique et inspire-t-il les autres à s'exprimer ?
    Question critique : Comment l'activisme peut-il être un outil efficace pour aborder des problèmes comme le racisme et la violence policière ?

  2. De quelles manières l'activation culturelle et l'activisme social de Dr. El Jones inspirent-ils la communauté noire ?
    Question critique : Comment la célébration culturelle peut-elle être un outil important pour lutter contre l'injustice ?

  3. Comment pouvez-vous utiliser vos talents créatifs, comme l'écriture ou l'art, pour défendre la justice sociale, à l'instar de Dr. El Jones ?
    Question critique : Quel rôle la créativité joue-t-elle dans la sensibilisation et la création de changements dans la société ?

  4. Comment les plateformes comme "Black Power Hour" peuvent-elles offrir aux groupes marginalisés la possibilité de partager leurs expériences ?
    Question critique : Quel impact les histoires partagées ont-elles pour lutter pour la justice ?

  5. Quel rôle le travail de Dr. El Jones, qui amplifie les voix des prisonniers et des personnes marginalisées, joue-t-il dans la lutte pour la justice ?
    Question critique : Pourquoi est-il important de donner une plateforme aux personnes en prison et aux communautés marginalisées pour partager leurs expériences ?